
Warren Buffett breaks down how he would invest if he had to start again with $1 million

CNBC Television

997.5K Views . 2024-05-08

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett presides over the 2024 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.

The speaker, Warren Buffett, states that if he had $1 million and was starting his investing career, he would focus on in-depth research of small companies, similar to how he studied railroad companies in his early days. He believes this method would allow him to achieve a 50% annual return, emphasizing the importance of being passionate about the subject rather than solely driven by the potential profit.

Investing Strategy
Value Investing
Small Cap Companies

  • The speaker, Warren Buffett, would prioritize deep research into undervalued companies, specifically referencing his experience with the Moody Transportation Manual.
  • He highlights the importance of finding and investing in overlooked small businesses, emphasizing a passion for the subject matter and a willingness to dig deep, potentially yielding high returns.

Insights from the YouTube Video Critic's Perspective:

1. The Power of Deep Dive Research:

"This video showcases the importance of deep-dive research and the value of a niche expertise. By poring over thousands of pages in the Moody's manual, the speaker unearthed opportunities that others overlooked. This is a powerful reminder that success often lies in focusing on the details and becoming an expert in a specific area."

2. Beyond Big Names: The Value of Uncovering Hidden Gems:

"The speaker highlights the potential in smaller companies often ignored by larger investors. By studying the 'Green Bay and Western Railroad' and other lesser-known businesses, the speaker discovered valuable insights and potential investments. This

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