
6 Therapy Skills to Stop Overthinking Everything

Therapy in a Nutshell

961.7K Views . 2022-06-02

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The video starts by describing a common scenario where someone overthinks a situation involving their boss, worrying unnecessarily about a meeting. The speaker, Emma McAdam, a licensed therapist, introduces the topic of overthinking and its various forms, such as rumination, worry, and overanalyzing decisions, emphasizing that these patterns can be learned and overcome.

Cognitive Diffusion

  • Overthinking is a common problem that involves dwelling on the past, worrying about the future, overanalyzing decisions, and experiencing social anxiety.
  • The first step to stopping overthinking is noticing and identifying it, and understanding what triggers it.

Insights from the YouTube Video Script:

1. Overthinking is a Cycle: The script vividly portrays the cyclical nature of overthinking. It begins with an example of a situation that triggers anxiety and overthinking, then describes how that worry, even when resolved, leads to further overthinking about a new situation. This highlights the need for understanding and breaking this cycle.

2. Types of Overthinking: The video outlines four main types of overthinking: rumination about the past, worry about the future, overanalyzing decisions, and social anxiety. This categorization allows viewers to identify their specific overthinking patterns and tailor their approach.

3. Noticing is the First Step: The script emphasizes the

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