The video begins by introducing Harvard University, highlighting its prestigious reputation and high cost of attendance. It then focuses on the diverse backgrounds and career aspirations of Harvard students, emphasizing the financial success they often achieve.
Asking Harvard Students How They Make Money
Ashton Herndon
1.4M Views . 2023-10-15
Hey Guys! After asking a bunch of Harvard students with a ton of jobs and side hustles, these are the best jobs that I have found that pay very well and take almost no effort to do. If you follow these very smart students wisely and do your research, you can make a ton of money doing simple jobs. And you'll avoid being a 9-5 zombie!! Feel free to tell me what you guys wanna see next. And please leave a thumbs up and join the family!! HOW HARVARD STUDENTS GOT IN 99 PROBLEMS 99 HARVARD STUDENTS ASKING COLLEGE KIDS HOW THEY MAKE MONEY FOLLOW THE TIK TOK If you guys are new, my name is Ashton Herndon and I'm a freshman at Florida State. I love making videos and helping everyone in the best way possible so if y'all have any questions or ideas please comment below!! CONNECT WITH ME! TikTok: Ashtonherndon Gianna.and.ashton Instagram: _its_ashton_ CHECK OUT THESE SONGS Dream- Joakim Karud Love Mode- Joakim Karud Black Hole Sun- Tell me Where to Go- Jus' know- Blackmayo Thank you guys and God Bless!!! Sub Count: 12,825
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