
WHO'S SMARTER? | College Dropouts vs Harvard Students

Brandon Walsh

7.6M Views . 2022-07-21

Are Harvard students really as smart as people think?? Today we find out! Jesse: @JesseJamesWest Kennedy: @KennedyWalsh #jessejameswest #kennedywalsh #harvard

This is a competition between Harvard students and college dropouts to see who is smarter. The first round consists of basic questions from elementary school level, with the team answering first getting two points. The contestants are introduced: Kevin (Harvard) and Joanna (Harvard), Jesse James West (College dropout).

college dropout

  • The episode features a competition between Harvard students and college dropouts, testing their knowledge in various subjects.
  • The first round of questions involves basic elementary school level knowledge, such as spelling and math problems.

Insights from the YouTube Video Script:

1. Is Educational Entertainment a Contradiction? This video script, despite its playful tone and seemingly absurd premise, explores the idea of educational entertainment. By pitting Harvard students against "college dropouts," the video aims to be both humorous and insightful. This raises the question: can entertainment be a tool for learning, or is it inherently at odds with education? The video's use of basic trivia questions and its format, reminiscent of a game show, suggest that the creators believe entertainment can be a vehicle for learning.

2. The "Intelligence" Myth: A Lighthearted Look at Stereotypes The video plays on the common stereotype of Harvard students as highly

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