
Become a top 1% student ✨💯 study tips, organization hacks, and motivation to always get straight A's

Study To Success

1.4M Views . 2023-09-30

Grammarly is a must-have for all students! Sign up for a FREE account at https://grammarly.com/studytosuccess09. If you want to get access to extra features, get 20% off Grammarly Premium. howdy! Today we're going over my tOp sEcReT (everyone ooh and ahh please), non-basic study tips that have helped me maintain a straight A streak throughout middle school, high school, and college / university and a 4.0 gpa (straight A's here in the US), get into three Ivy League universities when I applied my senior year of high school (Brown, Cornell, and Dartmouth), and be able to balance school and work (this channel hehe) while still getting good grades, which supposedly makes me the so-called "perfect student" (I don't think they actually exist tho, and if they do, I don't think I truly qualify since I can still be a hot mess express at times hehe). Anywho, I hope you find these study tips, organization tips, productivity tips, blah blah helpful, they help you study effectively, and they give you some study motivation and help you get your GPA up!! Also here are some other useful study tips videos I've made in the past that complement this one (bc a 14 minute video can't cover everything, even though I was attempting to talk as fast as Suga lol): Top 10 student mistakes to avoid: https://youtu.be/uzm5cqmEDNg Top 10 exam tips to get A+ ✨without studying✨: https://youtu.be/1snmVzk-DgA Top 20 hacks for preparing for back to school: https://youtu.be/Nx--EK7tU0o How to take aesthetic notes for ✨lazy students✨: https://youtu.be/uty5xTEIi9U Exam study routine tips: https://youtu.be/Y-cfiRPhm3w How to be productive after school when tired: https://youtu.be/64sVSlfU8fQ Exam day routine to get those A's: https://youtu.be/iN2CkqVc0Rs Time stamps: 0:00-0:57- your student struggles end today 0:58-1:31- three main issues 1:32-3:52- how to ace exams with minimum effort 3:53-4:46- how to have more time 4:47-5:43- how I cheat the system (sometimes) 5:44-8:14- resources every student needs/should use 8:15-9:33- how to stay confident and motivated 9:34-10:36- how to have the growth mindset 10:37-12:27- how to use your strengths and weaknesses 12:28-12:59- my secret to staying productive 13:00-13:59- how to brainwash yourself for success 14:00-14:14- sneak peek ft my cat About me: If you're new, hi, my name's Estella! I'm a college student studying communications & psychology and I post weekly videos! I make stationery and study tips videos based on my own experiences in college, high school, etc. If you ever have any video suggestions or questions leave them in the comments! Like my supplies? Check out my shop: www.amazon.com/shop/studytosuccess Links: Paperlike screen protector link (my favorite!): https://paperlike.com/studytosuccess1 code: studytosuccess1 the reusable nails I was wearing in the video: https://byourielle.com Get 10% off on any nail set by using the code "studytosuccess" during checkout! Get 15% off an AZIO keyboard using my link: https://www.aziocorp.com/?ref=studytosuccess Discount code: STUDYTOSUCCESS Check out Lofree's milk tea collection here!: https://bit.ly/43H1wMK Get 10% off on Lofree products by using this code!: studytosuccess white lines notebook: https://amzn.to/3b2moEQ pentel energel pens: https://amzn.to/3gWeSea stationery links: knock knock pads: https://amzn.to/2SIR9WF knock knock sticky notes: https://amzn.to/2SBBpVd stabilo pastel highlighters: https://amzn.to/2Q6kW9Y stabilo mini highlighters: https://amzn.to/2ZzJACQ pilot frixion erasable pens: https://amzn.to/357LGuX staetdler fineliners: https://amzn.to/39nFxhA band.o stickers: https://amzn.to/2Q8ZOjp paper house stickers: https://amzn.to/353P0ax stabilo highlighters: https://amzn.to/2ZACqOF stabilo fineliners: https://amzn.to/2QzVqsu MT washi tape: https://amzn.to/37jniYM tombow brush pens: https://amzn.to/352TBJW mildliners: https://amzn.to/37gposc milliner brush pens: https://amzn.to/2F6kTEQ sticky notes (pastel): https://amzn.to/2ZCVZG9 sticky notes (neon): https://amzn.to/39uH2L4 social media: instagrams: @studytosuccess and @estellastudies tik tok: studytosuccess Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/studytosuccesss?si=K5LVzF6-Qou12AMHVUphIw&dl_branch=1 I get a small commission from amazon, and paperlike at no cost to you (they're affiliate links), so thanks for your support! This video is sponsored by #Grammarly #studytips

This video focuses on helping students improve their study habits and achieve better grades. The speaker identifies three key issues students face: not knowing how to study, not studying enough, and not studying efficiently.

study habits
study tips

  • Many students struggle with studying effectively, even though they know they need to study more, organize their time, and make engaging notes.
  • The main issues students face with studying are 1) not knowing how to study, 2) not studying enough, and 3) not studying efficiently.

Insights from the YouTube Video Script:

1. Beyond the Basics: The Struggle of "Perfect" Student Techniques

The script opens with a relatable struggle: knowing the basic "perfect student" tips (study more, be organized, etc.) but failing to see results. This highlights a common frustration for students seeking success, suggesting that there's more to academic achievement than just generic advice.

2. "Top Secret" Study Hacks: The Promise of Personalized Strategies

The script promises "top secret non-basic study tips and hacks," appealing to a desire for unique and effective solutions. This sets up an expectation of personalized advice tailored to individual needs, going beyond the generic suggestions often presented.

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