
8 Signs Someone Has A Secret Crush On You


12.2M Views . 2020-08-19

Are you wondering if someone secretly likes you, but you are not so sure? When someone likes you, they may act differently around you than around others, secretly prioritize their time around you, and do nice things for you. See how many of these signs you pick up. Do note that 1 or 2 of these signs alone may not mean anything! When you see more of these signs in combination then there's more a hint towards signs of attraction! #attractedtoyou #attraction Writer: Chloe Avenasa Script Editor: Morgan Franz Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Lily Hu Animator: Hinata Honda YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References: Harrison, M. A., & Shortall, J. C. (2011). Women and men in love: Who really feels it and says it first?. The Journal of social psychology, 151(6), 727-736. Fehr, B. (2013). The social psychology of love. The Oxford handbook of close relationships, 201-233. Riela, S., Rodriguez, G., Aron, A., Xu, X., & Acevedo, B. P. (2010). Experiences of falling in love: Investigating culture, ethnicity, gender, and speed. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(4), 473-493. Pines, A. (2001). The role of gender and culture in romantic attraction. European Psychologist, 6(2), 96. Fisher, H. (2004). Why we love: The nature and chemistry of romantic love. Macmillan. Shulman, S., & Scharf, M. (2000). Adolescent romantic behaviors and perceptions: Age-and gender-related differences, and links with family and peer relationships. Journal of research on adolescence, 10(1), 99-118. Do you have any questions? Email us at editorial@psych2go.net with your video ideas or concerns!

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