
7 Things Only Fake Friends Do


13.5M Views . 2020-09-13

Are you wondering if you have a fake friend? Fake friends are people who act like they’re your friend when really, they’re anything but. They only care about you for superficial reasons and are never there for you when you need them the most. Do you want to make sure that the friendships you have now are for the right reasons? Well, here are 7 things that only a fake friend would do! Also, if you want to learn more about fake friends, we made a video to help you identify the signs someone is a fake friend: https://youtu.be/yO3Jm4tsQnA #fakefriends #psych2go #friendships Writer: Chloe Avenasa Script Editor: Morgan Franz Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Airahtea Animator: Hinata Honda YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References: Motion, J., Heath, R. L., & Leitch, S. (2015). Social media and public relations: Fake friends and powerful publics. Routledge. Walton, M., & Hassreiter, S. (2015). Real friends and fake friends: Research relationships in an era of global social media. In Ethical Quandaries in Social Research.. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council. Bowker, J. C. (2011). Examining two types of best friendship dissolution during early adolescence. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 31(5), 656-670. Hocutt, M. A. (2007). Relationship dissolution model: antecedents of relationship commitment and the likelihood of dissolving a relationship. International Journal of service industry management.

The video starts by thanking viewers for their support and introduces the topic of fake friends. It describes their characteristics, including being manipulative, selfish, and gossiping about others. The video then presents the first sign of a fake friend: talking about you behind your back.

fake friends

  • Fake friends are characterized by their self-serving behavior, prioritizing their own needs over genuine friendship. They often engage in manipulative tactics, spreading rumors and gossiping behind your back, and are quick to throw you under the bus when it benefits them.
  • These individuals demonstrate a lack of commitment and reliability, canceling on plans, excluding you from activities, and contacting you solely for favors without reciprocating in the friendship.

Insights from the YouTube Video Script:

1. What are the telltale signs of a fake friend?

This script provides a clear, concise list of red flags that could indicate you're dealing with a fake friend. These signs go beyond simply not being there for you in tough times, but delve into active manipulation and disregard for your well-being.

2. Why do fake friends act this way?

The script implies that fake friends are driven by self-interest and a lack of genuine care for the other person. They see friendships as transactional, solely benefiting themselves, and lacking the reciprocal empathy and support that genuine friendships require.

3. How does the script leverage emotional triggers to engage viewers?

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