
How To Stay Motivated - The Locus Rule

Improvement Pill

9.5M Views . 2019-08-07

Get 2 Months Free On Skillshare: https://skl.sh/improvementpill5 Join The Mailing List For The Habit Builder Challenge: http://improvementpill.net/programs A lot of people ask me questions about how to stay/be/get motivated. Today I'll tell you about a very interesting study on motivation that will you you a lot of insight on what you actually have to do to pull this off. This is what I like to call The Locus Rule. BeeFriend Course (FREE Social Skills Course): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHfGgOfmbx4&list=PLE_vQWWxgaiHbUFDuNnqxfui3lrE2jjwO&index=1 Tamed Course (FREE Habit Building Course): https://youtu.be/m8JjuyRIxOg

A 1998 study at Columbia University showed that students told they performed well due to intelligence focused on easier puzzles, while those told they did well because of hard work tackled harder challenges. This highlights the impact of locus of control, where believing in internal factors like effort leads to higher motivation.

locus of control
Columbia University

  • A study found that students told they did well due to intelligence focused on easy tasks and lacked motivation, while those told they did well due to effort focused on harder tasks and showed increased motivation.
  • This highlights the 'locus of control' concept, where an external locus (believing success is due to external factors) leads to less motivation, while an internal locus (believing success is due to personal effort) leads to greater motivation.

Insights from the YouTube Video Script:

1. The Power of Internal Locus of Control: How It Fuels Motivation

This video dives into the fascinating concept of locus of control and its direct impact on motivation. It highlights that individuals who believe they have control over their lives (internal locus of control) are more likely to persist in challenging tasks, embrace challenges, and ultimately experience greater satisfaction. Conversely, those who attribute their successes and failures to external factors (external locus of control) are more likely to give up easily and experience a lack of motivation.

2. Real-World Application: Sales Team Dynamics and the Curse of External Locus of Control

The video uses a real-world example of a sales team to

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