
How To Reprogram Your Dopamine To Crave Hard Work

Rian Doris

1.5M Views . 2023-05-15

Rewire your brain like THIS to make hard work feel easy. Visit https://www.flowstate.com to sign up for my upcoming book. ABOUT ME Rian Doris is the Co-Founder & CEO of Flow Research Collective, the world’s leading peak performance research and training institute focused on decoding the neuroscience of flow states and helping leaders and their teams unlock flow states consistently. Clients include Accenture, Audi, Facebook, Bain & the US Airforce. Along with being listed on Forbes 30 Under 30 Rian's thought leadership has been featured in Fast Company, PBS and Big Think and he hosts Flow Research Collective Radio, an iTunes top 10 science podcast. Rian is also the Executive Chairman & Owner of Consulting.com. On the side, Rian does some angel investing in health and performance companies like Levels Health, Neurohacker Collective, The Way & Myodetox. ‍ Rian holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) from Trinity College Dublin, an MSc in Neuroscience at King's College, London and an MBA. Rian is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Birmingham—focusing on how flow states affect perceived meaning in life. ‍ Prior to co-founding Flow Research Collective with Steven Kotler, Rian worked with NYT Bestselling Author Keith Ferazzi, and 12X NYT Bestselling Author Dr. Dan Siegel, distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Listen To My Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4FVORiyh3AOuNP4Lhs8Yzf?si=754e5290dcfd4478 Let's Connect On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riansweetmandoris Follow Me On Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RianSweetDoris Unlock Flow: https://www.flowresearchcollective.com

The video discusses how to leverage dopamine to enhance focus and productivity. The speaker, Maria Doris, shares a personal experience where a silent meditation retreat helped her re-sensitize her dopamine system, making her more receptive to the reward of focused work.

Flow State

  • Dopamine is a neurochemical that plays a key role in attention and reward, driving us to seek out activities that produce it.
  • Over-stimulation can lead to desensitization to dopamine, requiring more stimulation for a rewarding experience.

Insights from the YouTube Video Transcript:

1. Dopamine: The Key to Flow State?

The video suggests that dopamine, often associated with addiction and mindless scrolling, can actually be a powerful tool for achieving a flow state, that effortless state of deep focus and productivity. This challenges the common perception of dopamine as solely a negative force.

2. The Paradox of Dopamine Detox:

While the term "dopamine detox" is popular, the video points out that it's scientifically inaccurate. Dopamine is essential for our functioning. Instead of detoxing, the focus should be on re-sensitizing our dopamine receptors to make us more responsive to natural rewards.

**3. Re-

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